Collective Worship & Religious education
Collective Worship is an important opportunity for the school family to come together. It is a chance for us all to gather to reflect upon a whole host of issues affecting our world and to learn about the Values we have adopted as children of God in our community.
As a church school we believe it is important to engage with the spiritual side of life.
Collective Worship
On Mondays to Thursdays, collective worship takes place at 10.10 a.m. for 20 minutes. On most Fridays we come together at 2.45 p.m, often to celebrate with a class assembly (parents are welcome to come to these - please see the school calendar for when these are scheduled).
Monday – Led by the Headteacher
Tuesday – Singing together
Wednesday – Led by class teachers
Thursday – Led by our local clergy
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from religious worship but, as a church school, we would discourage this. It is also an important time for whole school issues to be discussed and for messages to be given out. Parents must inform the Chair of Governors and Headteacher in writing if they wish to withdraw their child.
We welcome parents who join us for class assemblies, and for some of the special events throughout the year.
Religious Education
As a Church School we believe Religious Education is critical in developing an understanding of self and of the World. Much of our work is Christian based and linked to our exciting assemblies and visits to the local church. Children also learn about other religions in order to compare Christianity with other faiths. Parents may have their child withdrawn from specific religious teachings and collective worship, if they so wish by writing to the Headteacher. However, we would discourage this.
The link below will take you to the Surrey agreed syllabus for Religious education (2023-2028)
The syllabus has been constructed to help schools to sequence the RE curriculum in a way that is coherent, uses multi-disciplinary skills and builds pupils’ knowledge.
In addition, the syllabus helps pupils to understand their own and others’ worldviews, religious and non-religious, and appreciate the influences of these on everyday life.