The Chandler C of E Junior School

Church Communities

At The Chandler we are very fortunate to fall between two excellent parishes, Milford and Witley, that support our school. They support us through the leading of monthly assemblies, Eucharists, hosting class visits at their churches and being a comforting, regular presence at school. Look out for them and say hello.

We have included some information on these Parishes. They are a friendly lot so get in touch, come along to one or our assemblies or attend a service at the church. Details of their services can be found on their website or by contacting the parish office. Maps of our two parishes may be viewed by following the links below and then selecting the “Find us” section; a map will then be displayed that you may zoom in to view detail.

Parish Website Links

Please click the links below to visit the following parish websites

 All Saints, Witley

 St John's, Milford


All Saints Church

Contact Name: Rev Ann Fraser, Curate

Contact Address: Parish Office, Church Lane, Witley, Surrey

Contact Telephone Number: O1428 681872

Contact Email:

St. John the Evangelist


Contact Name: Rev Clive Potter (Vicar, day off Friday)

Contact Address: The Vicarage, Milford Heath Road, Milford, Godalming, Surrey GU8 5BX

Contact Telephone Number: 01483 414710

Contact E-mail: