We believe that every child is made in the image of God and has a right to be both happy and secure. Furthermore, we believe that happiness and security are essential components of a successful learning environment.
Creating that environment is the responsibility of us all. Developing self–discipline, self-control and a sense of responsibility are important factors in learning to be a mature member of The Chandler family. Our Code of Conduct (below) reflects these expectations.A strong and consistent system for behaviour management is central to providing children with the security that they need in order to gain most from our curriculum. Our carefully structured system of rewards and incentives is underpinned by a progression of consequences for when things do go wrong.
Whilst we stress the importance of consistency, we do recognise the individuality of every child and their right to equality of opportunity. Children with specific behavioural needs will be treated as considered professionally appropriate.
Behaviour is best managed consistently from day to day and across the school, ensuring that children always know where they stand. We acknowledge that positive reinforcement is a far better tool than negative sanctions or punishments. As a church school we also acknowledge the importance of forgiveness and the value of a fresh start.
We achieve these aims through:
- An understanding that positive reinforcement of good behaviour is more effective than punishment of negative behaviours which often leads to a build-up of negative feeling and damaged relationships.
- Modelling good behaviour in adult-adult relationships as well as towards children
- Actively teaching good behaviour through assembly, circle time, PSHCE lessons etc
- Encouraging good patterns of behaviour by using positive verbal and non-verbal praise
- Rewarding desired behaviour – through use of stickers, certificates, house points, class rewards, Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher awards etc.
- Tracking each child’s daily behaviour on our whole school behaviour ladder. (Appendix 3)
Our behaviour management policy is underpinned by a Code of Conduct displayed in each classroom and shared with the children. This was agreed by the staff and the School Council.
Code of Conduct
In this school, because we care for each other, we:
- Treat others as we’d like to be treated;
- Show good manners;
- Play together;
- Share our friendship;
- Speak politely and listen to everyone;
- Respect people’s privacy;
- Take care of our own and others’ property;
- Look after the school environment.
In this school, because we care for each other, we never:
- Taunt or torment people;
- Say unkind things;
- Use bad language;
- Tell lies;
- Steal or borrow things without permission;
- Damage property;
- Hurt or push people out of the way;
- Fight;
- Retaliate.
Assertive Discipline
Our behaviour management is based on a guiding principle of assertive discipline, recognising that catching good behaviour has better results than a negative, punishments based system. We maintain that a few basic responsibilities, consistently applied, provide an effective framework of reference for children and adults.
Rewards are very important and these include:
- house points
- individual stickers
- Deputy Head and Headteacher award stickers
- whole class & group rewards
- celebration board in the entrance hall
- golden postcard sent home (following 20 silvers on Behaviour Ladder)
We also acknowledge that there are times when consequences need to be applied and these are outlined in the Behaviour Ladder (Appendix 3). Again, it is important that these are applied consistently throughout the school.
Occasionally certain behaviours will accelerate the steps. Aggressive behaviour and swearing will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by the Deputy or Headteacher. It is not acceptable for children to be encouraged to hit back, whatever the provocation. If attacked by another, the child is told that he/she must report the incident to the teacher on duty, the midday supervisor or the class teacher who will deal with it accordingly.
Persistent or extreme aggression may result in the child being excluded from school for a specified period of time.