Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum aims to:
- Instil values and develop virtues for life
- Build mastery of knowledge and skills through essential questions
- Challenge children to be resourceful, curious, critical and creative
- Teach children to question, reason and reflect
- Foster collaboration
- Encourage children to be kind to themselves and others
- Cultivate responsibility for the environment and inspire pupils to become ethical citizens
Year 3 | Autumn
Spring Summer |
How have we changed?
Where do we live? What have the Romans ever done for us? |
Year 4 | Autumn
Spring Summer |
What lies beyond?
Walk like an Egyptian. Mayans and Rainforests |
Year 5 | Autumn
Spring Summer |
Why do people explore? What is the Ancient Greek Legacy? Why do people migrate? |
Year 6 | Autumn
Spring Summer |
Courage and Determination
Success and Endurance Diversity and Influences |
Our English curriculum incorporates the three models of language – Speaking & Listening, Reading and Writing. The development of reading skills is vital, and support and encouragement from home is key to success here. We aim to bring children to a love of literature and the school library is a fabulous asset. Thanks to our librarian, it is open to children throughout the week and parents play an important part in running it successfully. We aim to help children express themselves clearly, accurately and imaginatively in both their written and spoken work. Class assemblies and school productions provide opportunities for children to develop their confidence in speaking in public and polish their talents on the stage.
For Mathematics we follow a curriculum programme based on the National Curriculum and draw upon a variety of Mathematics schemes to support learning. Children are introduced to a wide range of mathematical skills and concepts with first hand learning playing a large part in ensuring that skills and knowledge are mastered. Great emphasis is placed on mental strategies and a sound understanding of the processes of number work and number patterns linked to the real world through practical problem solving.
Computing allows the children to develop a range of skills which will enable them to solve problems in a variety of ways. We recognise that Computing is an area which, like English, informs every other area of the school curriculum. Children have access to a dedicated computer suite, as well as sets of laptops and tablets to support their learning in Computing. Wide use is made of cross-curricular resources – both online and in house – to support learning in Computing and to develop knowledge in other curriculum areas through the use of computers and other ICT (Information and Communication Technology) such as digital cameras, scanners and visualisers.
Design Technology
Design Technology enables pupils to learn the knowledge and skills required to design and make a variety of products, using a range of materials, and to be able to evaluate and improve their designs. It also helps them appreciate how technology affects everyday life. Emphasis is placed on planning, making and evaluating the success of their work.
Science, History, Geography and Environmental Studies are mainly taught thematically through our topics. All work in these areas is planned in accordance with the requirements of the National Curriculum and linked to the termly topics to ensure coverage and progression.
In Science we encourage the children to develop the scientific skills of observing, questioning, hypothesising, predicting, planning and carrying out investigations, whilst finding out about themselves and their environment. Full use is made of ICT resources to support their investigations, help with recording and facilitate evaluations.
In History we aim to deliver a sense of chronology and an understanding of cause and consequence. This is greatly enhanced by drama and role play. We also look at the development of our own community, learning at first hand whenever possible.
In Geography, we start from the children’s own experiences of their immediate environment to build up an understanding of the physical world and the human society in which they are growing up. First hand experiences in fieldwork and through projects are embedded in the curriculum to develop environmental and conservation awareness.
Music is taught throughout the School. We have strong links with Music Works in Milford and actively promote the learning of musical instruments with them and with peripatetic music teachers who provide individual instrumental lessons in a good range of instruments. At present instrumental lessons include tuition in piano, keyboard, flute, clarinet, saxophone, guitar and drums. We have a successful school choir which offers the opportunity to sing at many different events throughout the year.
PE and Games is a particular strength and plays a crucial role in the development of the whole child. We enjoy excellent facilities and resources. Our aim is for all our children to be active, feel challenged and enjoy team games through learning positive attitudes to teamwork, fair play, and winning and losing. The School competes in inter-house and inter-school events in athletics, football, netball, cricket, cross-country running and rounders to name just some of the many activities in which our children participate. Gymnastic activity is designed to encourage children to work creatively, blending dance with movement and/or drama.
The teaching of French throughout the school encourages an interest in other foreign languages and cultures of other nations. The children have access to many learning opportunities in line with the National Framework for Languages.
As a Church School we believe Religious Education is critical in developing an understanding of self and of the World. Much of our work is Christian based and linked to our exciting assemblies and visits to the local church. Children also learn about other religions in order to compare Christianity with other faiths. Parents may have their child withdrawn from specific religious teachings and collective worship, if they so wish but we would discourage this.
We firmly believe that all children are creative and should be given the opportunity to express ideas and feelings in a visual form following a balanced syllabus of Art. It is important that each child should have the opportunity to build upon their previous experience and be provided with a good foundation for the development of creativity and imagination. Children are given the opportunity to work in two and three dimensions, on a variety of scales, and using a range of media. They are also given opportunities to appreciate the work of artists, crafts people and designers from a variety of different cultures, both living and through history.
Personal, Social, & Health & Education (PSHE) is an integral part of the curriculum and, at The Chandler, we see it as playing a key role in supporting our children’s wellbeing and mental health. The lessons are largely based around the DfE Relationships, Health and Sex Education curriculum and, as such, focus primarily on relationships (friendships, family, online relationships, bullying, staying safe, etc.) and promoting positive physical and mental health.
The majority of PSHE lessons are taught using stories recommended by The Story Project. Establishing a safe, open and positive learning environment, built on trusting relationships between all members of the class community is vital to successful and effective teaching and learning within this subject. A set of ground rules is established prior to the unit of work so that both teachers and pupils are working within a safe environment where they will not feel embarrassed or anxious during discussions.
In Year 6, Sex Education is a discretionary part of our curriculum. We inform parents prior to this being taught and provide an opportunity for parents to view a sample of the resources used in lessons. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from those aspects of sex education that are not included in the Science Curriculum.