The Chandler C of E Junior School


Our commitment to ensuring the physical and mental wellbeing of all pupils extends to online use. We recognise that many forms of abuse have an online element and we ensure that we have appropriately strong filters and monitoring procedures in place in school.

We teach children to be safe online and to behave responsibly in order to keep themselves safe. Each child commits to uphold our Internet Acceptable Use policy [below].

Staff are trained in online safety at induction, in regular updates each year and throughout their time in school. This is rooted in the Keeping Children Safe in Education documentation available from the DfE.

During periods of remote learning, such as recent lockdowns, we endeavour to ensure that our most vulnerable pupils are monitored regularly by our Home-School Link Worker and Designated Safeguarding Leads to ensure that they are not vulnerable online. Guidance for remote learning is provided to all parents – this includes ensuring that remote learning happens in more public areas of the home.

Pupils are discouraged from bringing mobile phones and smart watches to school. In the few cases where they are required (because of solo journeys to school over distance – for example), children must switch off the phone or smart watch on entering the school premises and hand it to their teacher for safekeeping during the day.

If you would like your child to be able to bring a mobile phone or smart watch to school, please complete the mobile phone consent on Arbor. Details are in the letter below. 

Mobile Phone permission letter & reply slip 2023-24

Our policy on internet use is below: 

Internet Acceptable Use